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Smoking Gun Part 2: Boeing again

Smoking Gun Part 2: Boeing again
Source: CNN Business | Boeing is in big trouble

Billions of dollars of stock were sold and PUT options were bought 1 month before the Federal Aviation Administration announced in March major flaws in Boeing's manufacturing process.

Bottom1's A.I. 👻 Ghost pattern identifies a massive selling event prior to the public announcement of the really bad news about Boeing's fuselage problems.

The chart above shows something very interesting. The 2 Boeing plane crashes before the Covid-19 market dump shows that airplane crashes do indeed affect the stock price. But the stock price rebounds shortly after because everyone knows crashes do happen, they're just a rare occurrence. Then on Jan 5th, 2024 Alaska Airlines had the now famous door incident. Even though the plane didn't crash it still sent the stock lower. Now, look closely to the price action just after the sudden drop in price after the Alaska Airlines door incident on the chart above. As before the price should have recovered. After all, it was just freak accident with no deaths and no plane crash. But it didn't for one very simple reason. The insiders cheaters knew something and they started selling.

Snippet from Fortune article April 10th, 2024:

"Boeing is already undergoing an investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration after a door plug flew off an Alaska Airlines craft mid-flight on Jan. 5. In an update in March, the FAA said it had “identified noncompliance issues in Boeing’s manufacturing process control,” a finding which may be of little surprise to the company’s latest whistleblower, former engineer Sam Salehpour."

New Boeing whistleblower says planemaker cut corners on its jets: ‘I am doing this not because I want Boeing to fail, but because I want it to … prevent crashes’
“I literally saw people jumping on the pieces of the airplane to get them to align.”

The Fortune article very subtly says that the FAA opened an investigation after the Alaska Airlines incident. AND THEN in an update in March it found more issues in the manufacturing process. They didn't elaborate what those problems were but now we know when they "elaborated" those problems to the well connected Federal Aviation Administration insiders cheaters. We know this because we have 👻👻👻

👻Ghost Pattern on Boeing Stock:

Each red band on the image below is my ghost pattern identifying extreme selling. I'll cross reference the A marked on the chart below with what we've just learned.

A: Feb 2, 2024 - Feb 28, 2024 (19 trading days):

👻 Ghost pattern identifies 19 trading days of non-stop selling! Then, according to the Fortune article, the Federal Aviation Administration issues an update in March that it found more issues. The selling ended just before that March update occurred. And the stock kept falling thereafter. The poor main stream investors thought the stock price would certainly recover just like the recovery after every airplane crash. Since this was just a door malfunction with no injuries AND the market as a whole had undergone a rally this year, the likelihood the stock price would recover was very high. But because the wealthy cheaters dumped a whole lot of stock, the price never recovered. The poor saps who thought they were "buying the dip", are called "bag holders." I used to be one of them.....😩


Yes, this is really bad for Boeing and it may take a long time for the stock price to recover. I'm sure it also affected the airlines who exclusively fly Boeing Jets. And I'm sure it'll also affect the French airline maker Airbus who will probably see an uptick in orders. I've not run my algorithm on these other stocks yet. I'm just speculating with a logical guess. And plus it's just me over here. Don't have the bandwidth to do it all...🤷‍♂️ Help me expand so I can do more and also minimize your own chances of becoming a bag holder. 👇

Boeing is in big trouble | CNN Business
You’d think Boeing’s already miserable 2024 couldn’t get any worse. Then a 787 plunged suddenly mid-flight Monday, injuring dozens of passengers, after a pilot said he lost control of the aircraft before recovering and landing the plane safely.

Update 4/14/2024:

Airbus Beats Boeing For Deliveries In 2024
...since pilots are trained in either Boeing or Airbus operating systems, it is difficult for airlines to switch planes

As I predicted in my conclusion on 4/11/2024, Airbus did indeed see an uptick in orders. Unfortunately I don't have a data feed to the stock market where Airbus is traded so that my algorithm can find the ghost patterns on Airbus. ☹️


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